Excellent! If you have a gastrointestinal problem I suggest you see Joel Feinstein, M.D. I have been seeing physicians since 1983 with a ongoing problem not until this year 2018 was it diagnosed. Dr. Feinstein told me personally that if you have a problem that he would find it and resolve it. He kept his word & changed my life.


In a perfect world, all of our doctor visits would be like my consultation with Dr. Feinstein. More than pleasantly surprised, I was amazed when he said he was giving me an hour for my appointment. He very thoroughly discussed and explained all aspects of my condition and treatment.I left the office completely satisfied, at ease in the knowledge that a true expert in his field understood my GI issue, and that I understood how to best take care of it.


I had been suffering with IBS [Irritable Bowel Syndrome] for several years and had been tested, treated, probed and medicated with very little effect. Dr. Feinstein was recommended to me and I made an appointment. I was impressed by my first encounter, he opened the door to the waiting room himself [not his nurse] and invited me into his office. We had a long conversation, and he recommended that I go on the low FODMAP diet. After three days on it, I was feeling better than I had in years. After about two weeks, at my next appointment, Dr. Feinstein guided me on how to conduct the re-introduction part of the FODMAP diet. I slowly introduced my regular food items and in a month I had figured out what and how much I could eat without a problem. No medication,and no tests were needed. It was amazing. Dr. Feinstein is the embodiment of what an excellent physician should be.


I had been asked by Dr. Feinstein, on my first visit, to have a special test done to ascertain if there were bleeding problems internally. After following through with his request of which I absolutely concurred due to past problems, I had another appointment. My first appointment with Dr. Feinstein, I felt so comfortable, realized his expertise in his area, and decided at that time, after his taking down much history, and having gathered information from my Cedars doctors, he would be my new gastroenterologist.This second appointment, he explained in detail the result of my test, my level of stress as well as anxiety I have been going through, and the cause of my concerns, which he acknowledged to be understandable. I truly felt I could ask him any question, and he would not think it was foolish or unjustified. He is a doctor with whom my comfort level was so high, and I have already referred him to two friends who need a doctor having his specialty.

Barbara Mizrahi

Dr. Feinstein is amazing! I went to him with a family history of colon cancer, and severe constipation and stomach pains. I was very worried as to what was going on with my GI tract, and Dr. Feinstein helped eased my nerves. After an examination, he helped me understand was happening and guided me to the next step to getting and feeling better! What a difference it has been from when I began going to him. He is a brilliant doctor who is genuinely interested in helping his patients. Thank you, Dr. Feinstein!


Dr. Feinstein is one of those rare doctors that has both extreme intelligence, decades of experience, and the most incredible bedside manner I have ever witnessed. Every time I go in I feel like nothing else matters to him but me and my health. He genuinely cares about his patients! It's not a numbers game with him, it's a human game and in fact it's not a game at all. His goal is for you never to come back because he wants to see you healthy, and that is such a rare thing in these times. Hands-down the best physician of any kind that I have ever experienced, and I have been fortunate to have experienced some amazing doctors over the years.


"Chivalry is not Dead!" The best analogy to describe the classic old school style of service Dr. Feinstein provides! Simply first class! Dr. Feinstein personally went over the Health Questions and made the entire experience human! He took meticulous care to learn about my health history and passionately shared his view on health preservation, "Use it, or Lose it!"..It was truly comforting that there are still Doctors out there Like Dr. Joel Feinstein that truly care and take the time to truly care about the health of their patients. I feel lucky to have found him!!


The office waiting room is roomy and comfortable. I was the only person waiting and the wait time was only about 5 minutes. The doctor ushered me into his office and we proceeded to discuss my medical life since my last visit. Dr. F has always been respectful, kind and thorough, with a great sense of humor, and this visit was no different. After our discussion he took me to an exam room, did a brief physical exam, and then told me what to expect in preparing for the colonoscopy. We said our good-byes and I scheduled the procedure with his assistant, who was very pleasant and helpful. Definitely an all around positive doctor experience.


Dr. Feinstein is the BEST! He is knowledgable and KIND. I was extremely nervous as it was my first colonoscopy and he not only noticed, but helped me stay calm by explaining EVERYTHING from how to prep,what to expect to and how long I would be there. The procedure was quick, the facility is professional and runs like clockwork. Everyone is nice as well as efficient. The nurses were fantastic! Overall an excellent experience!